About Matt Maiorano

Who Is Matt Maiorano?

Matt Maiorano is a unique individual who refuses to limit the totality of his character to words on a screen. Matt Maiorano also does not refer to himself in the third person. Ever.

What is Matt Maiorano?

Matt Maiorano is the product of 9 months of incubation and 21,084,506minutes of critical thinking.

Where Is Matt Maiorano?

Matt Maiorano resides in a modest home in North Versailles, Pennsylvania.

When was the beginning of Matt Maiorano?

Matt Maiorano began on September 19th, 1984. Despite signs of some wear and tear, Matt Maiorano continues to run in good working order and is steadily increasing in value. Competitive maintenance costs.

Why should I be interested in Matt Maiorano?

Because Matt Maiorano is interested in all that is challenging and thought-provoking. Therefore, by extension, Matt Maiorano is interested in you.

How is Matt Maiorano?

Matt Maiorano is doing quite well, thank you for asking.